
There is a beat, a boop,
a cheek, sandy foot, candy glup,
there is a flop in your mind,
a waky wording morning,
block the beast, smash!,
hidden in the flock, crash!,
have you seen my voice?
did you heard my skin?
take a shovel, dig deep,
get the mud out of the flesh,
unbury iced crackled stones,
heart, bloody wet hands,
exposed silence of your cry
on the path, down in the river,
cross it, lose it, kick it, stamp it,
nail on the hills, feet of the shore,
get your hands out of reality,
bring your head out of the chain,
revamp the road, climb the asphalt,
get in, one more time, slowly,
silver wings, got up, got down,
stoned souls, hard beating hearts
warming iced hands, silly steps,
damned shoes on flying feets
always high, fast, fooled minds,
give me a piece of your time,
grenade blast in my heart
I’ll surrender my troops for a smile.